42b — Faith and Works (Video)

Faith and Works Go Hand in Hand —

Faith versus Works

Here is an amazing Bible video by InspiringPhilosophy.org — for you budding theologians — to explain how faith and works go together.


When you are done listening, put the following items in the correct order (1-4) based on what the Bible teaches about the steps of salvation.

____  We Want to Do Good Works

____  God Freely Offers Salvation

____  We are Filled with Love

____  We Desire to Believe in Jesus


How is this order different from what other religions teach?


My Prayer

Dearest Father, I will gladly do good things for others out of a thankful heart for what you’ve done for me. It’s not because I have to — it’s because I want to! I love you! Amen.

Answer Key — Jesus’ Steps to Salvation

  1. God Freely Offers Salvation
  2. We are Filled with Love
  3. We Desire to Believe in Jesus
  4. We Want to Do Good Works
Other religions teach that we must do good works first in order to earn salvation.